Zoning Committee
Spruce Hill’s zoning committee provides a forum for community response to pending requests for changes in zoning classifications on existing structures, and to impact new developments that require zoning variances for land use and/or density. The committee approves guidelines that establish precedents for the committee to follow in addressing specific kinds of cases. Zoning represents an indispensable tool for community control over development within its neighborhood boundaries.
Our primary goal is the retention of single-family housing in Spruce Hill, and the conversion of existing multi-family housing to owner-occupancy. Given that so much of Spruce Hill’s population is composed of renters and transients, the emphasis on retaining and expanding a home-owning base is critical for the neighborhood’s advancement and progress and stability.
Chair: Barry Grossbach, b.grossbach@gmail.com
The members include:
- Wolfram Arendt
- Julie Bush
- Andrew Cullen
- Lisa Dustin
- Natalie Dohrmann
- Brett Feldman
- Justin Kaplan
- Richard King
- Craig Santoro
For more information see:
Zoning Committee Membership Criteria
Zoning Committee Process and Procedures
Community Vision & Placemaking Principles