Chair: Becca Geller-Puchalsky Members: Sugirtha Stathis-
The mission of the Education Committee is to support the education of the children and youth of Spruce Hill and the nearby Philadelphia School DIstrict schools. The education committee promotes and supports academic achievement, recreational, and cultural activities that enrich the lives of those it serves. Additionally, the committee is dedicated to addressing the unique needs of the families of Spruce Hill area schools and schools attended by residents. Goals for every year are evolving and flexible based on current community needs. Some focuses of the 2021-2022 school year may be:
Recruit and reach out to build a diverse and engaged group of participants to hold monthly meetings to listen and check in on goals
Broaden the SHCA representation of nearby School Advisory Councils
In addition to a permanent position on Penn Alexander SAC, the SHCA Ed Committee will participate in SAC meetings for Lea and Paul Robeson in order to learn ways we can support.
Promote communication and transparency to neighborhood families about the enrollment processes for Penn Alexander, Lea, and Paul Robeson
The SHCA will gather information directly from principals and administrators to share publicly, in multiple modes, and in multiple languages.
Work with UCD, Penn Police, and the City of Philadelphia to ensure safe routes while commuting to and from school and throughout the neighborhood
Connect older students with resources such as internships, mentorships, tutoring, and volunteer opportunities